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School Uniform

We feel that it is very important that children not only take pride in the appearance of their school, classroom and the work they produce, but also in their appearance.  To support this, the school encourages the wearing of uniform, allowing the children to show that they belong here.


New school uniform with the school logo, can be ordered through school trends, alternatively un-badged items can be purchased from any supermarket or high street store and if required, the logo can be embroidered through a local service (details of which are held in school).


School Uniform guidelines

Navy blue sweatshirt or cardigan (branded with the school logo or plain)

Grey/black trousers or shorts

Grey / black pinafore or skirt

Royal blue / white polo shirt

Black shoes


PE Kit

Children are encouraged to come to school wearing their PE Kit on the PE days.  PE Kit consists of:

Black shorts

Dark Joggers

Royal blue / white t-shirt

Trainers & Plimsolls


Woodland Learning Uniform

Warm, long sleeved clothing



Hats, gloves, scarves


Swimming Kit

All children from Year 1 – Year 6 will participate in swimming sessions at Bakewell Swimming Pool during the school year.  When children are swimming they will require:

Swimming costume (one piece for girls and short, sensible swimming shorts for boys)


Swim hat



Children are not permitted to wear items of jewellery.  They may wear studs if they have their ears pierced.  Earrings that cannot be removed by a child must be covered by micropore tape for PE lessons.   Watches may be worn but the school accepts no responsibility for loss.


Lost Property

Lost property, which is not named, will be kept for a limited period in a box near the playground exit doors.  This box will be cleared periodically, after notice is given to parents. 


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