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Physical Health

With the closure of swimming pools, gyms and fitness centres, many people have found that staying active is much harder (especially as we have our children around us so much more).  Take a look at the following pages to find some inspiration and motivation.

Joe Wicks: Join Joe Wickes for PE with Joe each morning at 9am.  His YouTube channel is full of workout that you can do, with or without children

or Twitter: @thebodycoach

Sports Partnership: Derbyshire Rural Schools Sports Partnership and Derbyshire High Peak Sports Partnership are sharing things regularly on their social media feeds.  Check out:

Twitter: @HighPeakSSP@RuralDerbysSSP


Youth Sport Trust: Short activity challenges posted here

Sport England: Execrises you can do without leaving your home

Active Derbyshire have released lots of resources to support virtual learning.

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