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    Attendance Monitoring

    The Importance of Regular School Attendance

    The Woodland Federation of Peak District Schools believes that for children to flourish and achieve their true potential, good attendance is essential. Pupils cannot fully flourish and achieve their true potential if they do not regularly attend school.

    Poor attendance is the single most significant factor in underachievement. If a child is absent from school, then they are missing learning.

    Good attendance at school shows potential employers that a young person is reliable. Young people who are frequently absent from school are more likely to become involved in, or be a victim of crime and anti-social behaviour. It is important to instil habits of good attendance and punctuality in children from the start of their school journey.  

    Attendance Targets 

    Attendance is monitored on a weekly basis by members of the senior leadership team. Because we have children who attend on full-time and on a flexi-school basis, attendance targets vary. Please see below for minimum attendance expectations. 


    Rewarding Good Attendance

    Each half term, children whose attendance is at or above the 96.1% (or equivalent for flexi-schooled children) are rewarded with a wrist band for their good attendance. Each term, we start afresh, so everyone has an equal chance of being rewarded a wristband. 

    Children whose attendance is above 96.1% (or flexi-school equivalent) for the whole academic year, will be rewarded with a rainbow wristband at the end of the summer term.

    Children whose attendance is 100% for any half-term will be given a certificate. 

    Persistent Absence 

    Our pupil attendance target is a minimum of 96.1%.  Anything below this could have a detrimental effect on your child’s academic progress and personal development.

    Attendance below 90% - or 90% of three or four days for a child who attends on a flexi school basis - at any point during the school year is categorised as being Persistently Absent (PA) regardless of reasons.  Schools are required to monitor and act to improve the attendance of such pupils.

    When your child's attendance falls into the category, we will invite you to an attendance panel meeting. In this meeting, we will devise a plan to improve your child's attendance and look at reasons for absence. We will look at ways in which we can support you with possible unmet medical needs or emotional issues. 

    Parents and carers are ultimately responsible for their child’s poor attendance. Please be aware that routinely poor attendance could lead to a fixed penalty notice if there are no legitimate medical reasons known to school to condone regular absences.


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