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    The Woodland Federation Curriculum

    The curriculum is all the learning that we plan and sequence in order to create lifelong, curious learners; we aim to create SMILERS throughout our federation - pupils who are healthy, happy and hungry to learn.

    Our curriculum covers all subjects from the National Curriculum and the Early Years Curriculum and also includes Religious Education which is taught using the Derbyshire Agreed Syllabus for RE.  


    Our curriculum is designed to provide a broad and balanced education through rich and creative learning experiences which help our children to remember what they have learnt. Our aim is for our children to develop as independent, curious and successful people with a passion for learning.  

    Through our curriculum, we aim to develop the whole child. This means that we plan experiences which help children to develop emotionally, spiritually, morally, academically, and culturally.  

    The curriculum has been designed by our staff for our children, taking into account the needs of our children and families. 


    The curriculum consists of many different planned experiences including lessons, topic days, trips out and visitors to school. We also take advantage of our beautiful school settings in the Peak District and make use of the local environment and outdoors as much as possible.  

    In designing the curriculum, we thought about what we want for our children and what we believe are effective methods of delivering it to them so that they learn and, more importantly, remember the learning.   

    Our broad and rich curriculum is designed to work in our small schools where children are taught in mixed age classes whilst covering all aspects of the National Curriculum and Early Years Curriculum. To ensure progression for all children, we use a skills progression for each topic. This helps children to develop independence and thinking skills as well as subject specific skills at the same time as developing children’s knowledge at their own level.  

    The curriculum is planned on a three-year rolling programme in EYFS and KS1 and a four-year rolling programme in KS2. 


    Our curriculum will provide our children with the skills, knowledge and interest in learning to go on to make positive contributions throughout their lives. Our aim for our children is to be socially, morally, culturally and spiritually aware and to know how to make positive contributions to their local area and beyond.  

    Our topics for the Autumn Term 2024 are:




    Autumn 1

    Autumn 2

    Autumn 1

    Autumn 2


    Meesha Makes Friends

    The Great Fire of London


    Leon and the Place Between


    Y1/ 2 Place Value

    Y1/ 2 Addition and subtraction

    Y1/2 Geometry

    Place Value Y3-6

    Addition and Subtraction Y3-6

    Multiplication and division Y6

    Addition and Subtraction Y3/4

    Multiplication and  Division Y3-5

    Measurement Y4

    Fractions Y5/6

    Measurement Y6




    Rocks Y3/4

    Properties and Changes in Materials Y5/6

    Rocks Y3/4

    Properties and Changes in Materials Y5/6


    Great Fire of London / Gunpowder Plot




    The United Kingdom


    Making your Mark - Drawing

    Growing Artists - Drawing

    Design Technology


    Cooking and nutrition

    Eating Seasonally




    Spanish Greetings with Puppets

    Spanish numbers and ages


    What is the good news Christians believe Jesus brings? (Gospel)

    What is the good news Christians believe Jesus brings? (2) (Gospel)

    What kind of world did Jesus want? 


    For Christians, when Jesus left; what was the impact of Pentecost? 

    (Kingdom of God) 


    Being Safe

    Money Matters

    Being Safe

    Money Matters

    Long Term Curriculum Overviews

    Remote Learning Information for Parents

    Covid-19 Recovery Curriculum



    Contact Our Schools