
- Oak National Academy: The Department for Education have launched an online learning package for all year groups at Oak National Academy
- BBC Bitesize: The BBC have also launched a major curriculum package - you can read more about it here: BBC Bitesize
- National Trust: The National Trust are providing some activities that can be done from home:
- The National trust - Birds to spot through the seasons
- The National Trust - Everyone Needs Nature
- The National trust - Top 50 things to do before you're 11 3/4
- Ordnance Survey:A nice set of ideas and resources from the Ordnance Survey “Get Outside-Inside”:
Ordnance Survey - The Seasons of Discovery
- Royal Horticultural Society: Some resources/ideas from the Royal Horticultural Society (RHS):
- Learning Links: This "Activity Bank" has a huge list of websites and links, grouped by school subject.
- Board Games: This might be a good time to rediscover the joy of board games – but maybe not confrontational games like Monopoly!
- Scouts: The Scouts have created a useful resource called the “Great Indoors” at the following link: Scouts;
- David Walliams: The extremely popular author is providing daily free stories which you can find via the website: World of David Walliams;
- Singing: Click for an information sheet called “Kids at Home” that has links to a free singing project which might appeal to all our wonderful singers;
- Authors: The following website provides links to the many authors who are doing reading sessions and providing activities for children: We are Teachers;
- Dancers: For any keen dancers out there you might enjoy the opportunity to watch some productions from the Royal Opera House, in Covent Garden, for free. Follow the link and see what’s on offer Royal Ballet and Opera;
- Drawing: Whilst the sun seems to be shining quite a lot, here's a fun activity for all ages
- Reading: A range of websites to help with home schooling and activities to keep children and young people entertained. https://www.derbyshire.gov.uk/kidshomelibrary
- offschool.org.uk is a free website developed by teachers for families, packed with short learning activities to complement our learning provision.
For links to websites that we have provided log-in details for please see our Home Learning Page